GroZi Shopping List – Tutorial

Welcome to the GroZi shopping list webpage. This site will allow you to add your grocery items to a list which can then be downloaded to your handheld Grozi device. The items found on this site are contained and available for purchase in a small convenience store in La Jolla, California.

This document describes each page of the website, as well as how to perform actions on each page of the website. The document guides the user through the process of selecting two items and adding them to a shopping list. It then guides the user in deleting an item from the shopping list. During each step, it describes the IE webpage action to use. It then gives the JAWS command that efficiently navigates the webpage to take this action. Having read this tutorial, you will be able to select your own items for your shopping list efficiently and download to the GroZi device.

Getting Started

1.      First, you must have JAWS 8.0 installed. You will find it available for download through the following link

2.      After starting up JAWS, open the webpage using Internet Explorer 7.0 (recommended browser), and navigate to the main GroZi webpage at


Website Overview


3.      Each webpage contains the following guide links: “Home”, “About Grozi”, “Manage Shopping List”, and “Links”. To select any of the links at the top of any given page, use the INS+F7 key then press Enter. These web pages may contain additional action links.


The Home link brings the user to the search homepage, the About Grozi link takes the user to a page with additional project information, the Manage Shopping List link takes the user to the current shopping list web page, and the Links link takes the user to additional web resources.


The following is a description of the web pages on the website. Overall, the website includes the following web pages: the homepage with a search box, the query result page, the item record page, and current shopping list. The homepage contains a search field so that the user can search for a grocery item. After the user enters an item and selects the submit button, the website brings the user to the Query Result page. The Query Result page, the Item Record page, and the Current Shopping List page each contain a table of shopping information.




Tour of Web Pages


            When you navigate to the website the user begins at the homepage.


4.      Navigate to the item search field and enter forms mode by pressing the E key then the Enter key.

5.      Type in the item you would like to find. For example, “milk.” To submit your search, press the Enter key.

6.      The website brings the user to the query results page. It contains a table with the following columns: Description, Manufacturer, and UPC item number. Each item in the Description column is a link. Selecting a link brings the user to the Item Record Page for that item. The Manufacturer and UPC columns are provided so that the user can verify product specific information. Navigate to the table with JAWS by pressing T to move to the table. This places the user in the first row and first column of the table. With JAWS, read the first column using the Windows “period” command. Move to the desired row of the table.  Four JAWS commands are helpful: pressing Tab, Shift+Tab, Table row up (Alt-Control-up arrow), or Table row down (Alt-Control-down arrow) commands will allow a user to move through the table.

7.      The Item Record page contains a table with 6 rows and two columns. The rows headings are: Description, Manufacturer, Size/Weight, Issuer Country, Item UPC, and Last Modified. Column number one is the heading and column two is the information. The webpage also contains an action link called “Insert item to shopping list”. After listening to the item description and deciding that you want to purchase this item, press the Tab key to navigate to the “Insert item” link and press Enter. Otherwise, you may return to the search page. With JAWS, press INS+F7 then use the arrow keys to select the Back to Home link and press enter.

8.      After adding your item to the list, you will be brought to the Current Shopping List web page describing a list of your current shopping cart. This page contains a counter of the total number of items in your shopping list. If there are one or more items in the shopping list, this page will also contain a table of all the items in your cart. Each row of the table describes an item in your shopping list. The three columns of the table are: Description, Item UPC, and Action. Description is the name of the item, Item UPC is the UPC number for the item, and Action is the action the user can take. If you wish to remove any items from your cart, press T to move to the first column of the table, press Windows + period to get a list of items from this column, and press ALT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW to move to the item you wish to remove. Then press Tab to navigate to the “Remove From List” link under the Action column and press Enter to select this link.

9.      Each time you add an item to your list, you will be brought to an updated version of your current shopping cart. With JAWS, press INS+F7 then use the arrow keys to select the Back to Home link and press enter.


An Example of Step-by-step Adding Two Items and Deleting an Item


This section will walk the user through adding two grocery items to the cart and deleting one of those items. The user will add “30oz Tide Powder” and “Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies” to the shopping list, delete the “Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies”, and review the current shopping list.


1.      Navigate to the GroZi website at You are now on the homepage. Have JAWS for Windows running.

2.      Navigate to the item search field and enter forms mode. With JAWS, Press the E key then the Enter key.

3.      Type in the word “tide.” With JAWS, Press the Enter key.

4.      After the Query Result page loads, select the 33oz Tide Powder from the list. With JAWS, Press the T key to move to the table, press Windows period to get a list of items from the first column of the table, and press ALT+CTRL+Down Arrow 3 times to move to the fourth row of the table. This is the “33oz Tide Powder” entry. Press the Enter key to select it.

5.      After the Item Record page has loaded, insert the item to the shopping list. With JAWS, press the Tab key to select the insert item link and press enter.

6.      The item has now been added to the cart and the current shopping list page is displayed. Return to the Home page. With JAWS, press INS+F7 then use the arrow keys to select the Back to Home link and press enter.

7.      The user is now on the home page. Now add the second item, “Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies”. Navigate to the item search field and enter forms mode. With JAWS, Press the E key then the Enter key.

8.      Type in the word “chocolate.” Press the Enter key.

9.      After the Query Result page has loaded, select the Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies from the list. With JAWS , press the T key to move to the first row of the table, press Windows + period to get a list of items from the first column of the table, then move to the 4th row of the table by pressing ALT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW 3 times. This is the “Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies” entry. Press the Enter key to select it.

10.  After the Item Record page has loaded, insert the item to the shopping list. With JAWS, press the Tab key to select the insert item link and press enter.

11.  The Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies has now been added to the cart and the user’s updated shopping list with both items is displayed. Return to the Home page. With JAWS, press INS+F7 then use the arrow keys to select the Back to Home link and press enter.

12.  Now remove the Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies from the shopping list. Navigate to the Manage Shopping List guide link. With JAWS, press INS+F7, use the arrow keys to highlight the Manage Shopping List link and press Enter.

13.  Remove the Chocolate Big Chunk Cookies from the shopping list. With JAWS, press the T key to move to the first row of the table, press Windows + period to get a list of items from the first column of the table, and move to the 3rd row of the table by pressing ALT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW 2 times. Navigate to the Remove From List link in the third column. Press the Tab key to do so, and then press the Enter key to select the link.

14.   The item has now been removed from the cart and the user’s updated shopping list with only the 33oz Tide Powder is displayed. Return to the Home page. With JAWS, press INS+F7 then use the arrow keys to select the Back to Home link and press enter.

15.  The user is now at the home page and has completed this tutorial.


The following is a list of useful JAWS commands for navigating the GroZi webpage. With JAWS, press T to move to the first row in the table of commands. Press UP or DOWN ARROW to navigate the descriptions row by row, and press ALT+INS+R to read the table row and the command.



Back a Page


Forward a Page


Open Link


Next Non Link Text


Prior Non Link Text


Move To First Form Field


Move To Next Form Field


Move To Prior Form Field


Enter Forms Mode


Exit Forms Mode


List of Form Fields


Edit Mode

List Tables



Move To Next Table


Read Current Row


Read Current Column


Move to and Read Cell Above


Move to and Read Cell Below


Move to and Read Next Cell


Move to and Read Prior Cell






Reload Web Page
